Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Oil portrait sketches

Custom oil portrait sketches available. These are based on a digital photo reference, painted on canvas. Size: A4. Please contact for orders.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Portrait painting workshop

Unfortunately this has been cancelled due to COVID :(

Yes! I will be hosting a portrait painting workshop in near future. The venue will be in Century City / Milnerton are in Cape Town (South Africa). The date is not yet decided.

The workshop will be perfect for people who would like to try their hand in portrait painting in oil. The workshop will also cover color theory and construction of face / facial features.

Ritma Grizane portrait painting

This will be a basic workshop and will ideally be suited for adults with some experience in painting with any medium (oil, acrylic, watercolor etc.)

Watch this place for more information!

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Get your portrait from the 100

Hi my 100 portraits muses!

The exhibition was a blast and done and dusted. You now can claim your portraits.

Since these are not portraits that have been commissioned, I cant put a price on them, but i would appreciate “a donation” for them, in order to replace the material and the moral damage to my family, that was caused by my painting EVERY day till late :D.

As its the time of technology and I am trying to go with it, I have various payment options available:
•             Cash
•             EFT
•             Card (I have a little YOCO card machine)
•             Online payment ( I am very impressed with this one myself) 

PLEASE do NOT feel obliged to take the portrait, if you do not want it. No timeframe, I know January is a long month.

Thank you for inspiring me to do art!

For online payment please click here 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Instagram challenge - 100 portraits

So, a couple of friends managed to persuade me that I need an Instagram account 😅 and I gave in...

Once on Instagram, I started following @ajalper who at that time announced a 100 portraits in 100 days. I was not painting for months at that time, but decided to give it a try.

Here are some. To see more please search and follow @ritma_grizane on Instagram

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Painting Jesus

When I just started painting I saw my granny in the dream. I used to spend my summer school holidays at her house. She passed when I was 14. I still remember that I was washing dishes when my parents told me. In the dream I asked my granny if she needs anything. She said "No. But I would love you to paint Jesus for me".

Since then about 7 years have passed. And I finally have courage to fulfill my granny's wish. It's not that I have not thought about it before. I just couldnt decide on the reference photo.

Then one day new were full with Leanardo da Vinci painting Salvator Mundi. I also heard somewhere that it's the painting on which all the other artists based their Jesus paintings on. So I decided to do it as well.

I have adjusted some details, but kept the general look of the Da Vinci painting.

The frame was made by my dad out of an old oak tree. My grandparents house now belongs to a local municipality and I hope they will agree to display this painting in it.

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Difficult beauty

I was commissioned to do a portrait. When I saw the photo  I thought it will be an easy one--single person, block colors and clear lines. Oh, how wrong I was.

Portrait was of a beautiful girl. I love painting beautiful woman. The mistake turned out to be that I didnt ask for more photos of the subject.  As every girl and woman today she likes playing with the makeup and photos, thus looks different in different photos. I should have asked for more photos!

Also, the client wanted the portrait to be sent by currier, which I didn't expect to be an issue, but turned out to be one. I have the price from the web, but when I wanted to ship the painting, the currier company advised that they don't handle paintings as they can't establish the cost of the item and replace the value if something happens. Luckily a relative came to help and delivered the painting.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Race horse paintings

It's getting to the crazy time of the year here.

One of the events I would like to attend is the Western Cape Equine Trust fund raising. WCET is a non profit organisation's who restrains former race horses and find them homes after the racing career. Most of the horses are still young - 3, 4 years old as only a few make it in the demanding industry. These youngsters then need to find a new home--that's where WCET comes in. I used to volunteer at WCET  but since they have moved their location, we're unable to participate.

Here are my 2 last babies:
Two young race horses from April yearling sale